Stained glass training course - glass

Our courses and training proposals cover all aspects of stained glass and flat glass decoration.
Comprehensive training is closely linked to art education and design. Our courses for the general public give access to the discovery and the deepening of the work of stained glass and glass.
A team of experienced and enthusiastic teachers is in charge of your supervision within the framework of long term training or punctual courses.

Find the dates of our training courses and various events on the calendar page.

stained glass school training course workshop

Training diploma glassmaker-creator

This school-based training program combines the technical, creative and cultural aspects of stained glass and glass decoration. Its goal is to acquire the means of research and expression as well as the knowledge necessary for practical implementation. The glass artist-creator carries out his own projects in stained glass and glass. He or she is able to adapt projects developed by artists not working in the field of glass.

' To know more about it
This school-based training program combines the technical, creative and cultural aspects of stained glass and glass decoration. Its goal is to acquire the means of research and expression as well as the knowledge necessary for practical implementation. The glass artist-creator carries out his own projects in stained glass and glass. He or she is able to adapt projects developed by artists not working in the field of glass.

' To know more about it

Technical and customized training

This course is based on the practical stained glass subjects of our comprehensive course. It allows you to touch all the essential aspects of the stained glass craft. We offer the possibility to follow the training also in the form of an individualized program with a fixed duration according to your objectives and availability.

Upcoming program


These are short courses, from 3 days to 2 weeks, dedicated to a particular technique or application.
They are compulsory for students training to become a glass artist and are open to any other public. They can also serve as a complement for stained glass professionals who are looking to acquire or deepen their skills.

The training courses are supervised by experienced instructors from the world of stained glass, glass or art.

du 29 juillet au 2 août 2024 -complet
5 au 9 août 2024-complet

du 2 au 5 septembre 2024- complet

du 17 au 20 février 2025

Fusing 1 : 16 et 23 novembre 2024 (2 jours)
Fusing 2 : du 4 au 6 avril- technique « drop out » (2 jours et demi)

These are short courses, from 3 days to 2 weeks, dedicated to a particular technique or application.
They are compulsory for students training to become a glass artist and are open to any other public. They can also serve as a complement for stained glass professionals who are looking to acquire or deepen their skills.

The training courses are supervised by experienced instructors from the world of stained glass, glass or art.

Training for the general public

L’Ecole Suisse de Vitrail et Création offre la possibilité à un public très large d’acquérir les bases de la technique traditionnelle du vitrail. Ce cours ne requiert aucune formation préalable et s’adresse à toute personne qui souhaite se familiariser avec l’art du vitrail.
L’atelier de l’Ecole bénéficie d’une capacité d’accueil unique et les cours sont encadrés par une équipe professionnelle et expérimentée.

Notre Ecole propose ainsi deux formules de formation, soit les cours du vendredi ou du samedi, deux fois par mois, et des cours sous forme de stages d’une semaine, en été. Veuillez vérifier les dates.

L’Ecole Suisse de Vitrail et Création offre la possibilité à un public très large d’acquérir les bases de la technique traditionnelle du vitrail. Ce cours ne requiert aucune formation préalable et s’adresse à toute personne qui souhaite se familiariser avec l’art du vitrail.
L’atelier de l’Ecole bénéficie d’une capacité d’accueil unique et les cours sont encadrés par une équipe professionnelle et expérimentée.

Notre Ecole propose ainsi deux formules de formation, soit les cours du vendredi ou du samedi, deux fois par mois, et des cours sous forme de stages d’une semaine, en été.

initiation au vitrail / initiation à la technique tiffany