' Glass slab course

' Glass slab course

The training

The technique of stained glass in slabs of glass seen during this course was developed in the early twentieth century and owes its name to the use of plates of cast glass, colored in the mass and whose thickness varies between 20 and 25 mm. The glass slab is sawn, cut according to the design of the stained glass project. The glass pieces are then placed in a formwork and sealed with concrete.

Why use the glass slab?

For the integration of stained glass in modern concrete architecture. Its strong natural structure is an alternative to the traditional stained glass technique. The thick glass, chipped at the edges, allows a brilliant diffusion of light. The implementation of the glass slab is relatively simple.

Internship Program:

Theoretical and technical introduction (constraints).
Correction or elaboration of the stained glass project.
Knowledge of materials and tools.
Safety. Preparation of the implementation.
Cutting the glass. Formwork.
Stripping the glass slab and finishing.
Conclusion of the course.

Practical information

Maitre de stage : Guy Cristina – verrier-créateur, professeur à l’Ecole Suisse de Vitrail.

Compétences/pré-requis : aucun.

Matériel personnel : petit matériel de dessin et de bricolage, bonnes chaussures, lunettes de protection.

Date : 

  • du 2 au 5 septembre 2024 
  • du 17 au 20 février 2025

Horaire : de 9h à 12h et de 13h à 16h30. (2 jours complet et 2 demi-journées)

Prix pour le stage: 

Fr. 700. — y compris les fournitures (outillage en
prêt). Frais d’inscription compris : Fr. 300. —

Nombre de participants : 6.

Students' works

Application for registration

You can reach us by phone or by email, or fill in the form on the contact page: we will be delighted to have you with us!