Visual arts training course

The practice of drawing, the learning of color and composition, the discovery of the language of forms are at the heart of our visual art courses.
These notions give access to an understanding of the world of art, that of yesterday as well as that of today. The course is a space which allows a guided practice, intended to make observant and sensitive and, if one wishes it, to go towards a personal expression.
The courses are proposed by artists and experienced professionals.

Find the dates of our training courses and various events on the page calendar.

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Observation drawing course

Drawing is a beautiful way to be in the world and to understand what we see. This course offers a varied approach, based on observation, both technical and sensory. You can't say you don't know how to draw if you haven't seriously tried.

Chargée de cours : Chihiro Nakamura.

Dates et horaires : le mardi de 9h à 12h à partir du 12 novembre 2024.

PRIX : CHF 315.—par trimestre.

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Le dessin est un très beau moyen d’être au monde et de comprendre ce que l’on voit. Ce cours vous propose une approche variée, basée sur l’observation, à la fois technique et sensorielle. On ne peut pas dire que l’on ne sait pas dessiner si l’on a pas sérieusement essayé.

Chargée de cours : Chihiro Nakamura.

Dates et horaires : tous les mardis matin, selon calendrier scolaire.

Dates et horaires: le mardi de 9h à 12h à partir du 12 novembre 2024.

PRIX : fr. 315.—par trimestre.

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Painting course

The world of painting is so rich and wonderful that it extends far beyond the canvas.
Through copies or more personal expressions, these courses offer participants the opportunity to practice the art of painting and discover a world full of nuances, touches and vibrations.
In order to complete this training, the courses include a brief theoretical presentation in connection with the subject studied and in analogy with the history of painting

Chargée de cours : Géraldine Dagallier Es-Borrat.

Dates et horaires : tous les mardis soir, mercredis ou samedis matin, selon calendrier scolaire.

PRIX : en fonction du jour choisi, voir programme.

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The world of painting is so rich and
wonderful that it extends far beyond the canvas.
Through copies or more personal expressions, these courses offer participants the opportunity to practice the art of painting and discover a world full of nuances, touches and vibrations.
In order to complete this training, the courses include a brief theoretical presentation in connection with the subject studied and in analogy with the history of painting

Instructor: Géraldine Dagallier Es-Borrat.

Dates and times: every Tuesday evening, Wednesday or Saturday morning, according to the school calendar.

PRICE: depending on the day chosen, see program.

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Children's workshop:seasonal activities

This proposal is intended for small children to awaken their interest in the visual arts and their creativity. It is based on the use of various tools and materials, as well as on drawing, painting, manual activities and the relationship with nature.
The goal is to create a calm and relaxed atmosphere that is conducive to welcoming participants and encouraging their immersion in the activity (half or full afternoon).

Teacher : Amandine Berger

The course is offered to children from 6 to 8 years old

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This course is designed for children to awaken their interest in the visual arts and their creativity. It is based on learning techniques, using various tools and materials, as well as drawing and painting.

Teacher: Lucie Frachebourg
Classes are offered to children from 7 to 12 years old
Dates and times: from 4:30 pm to 6 pm, on Wednesday afternoons according to the school calendar.


Price : fr 260.- per quarter

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This course is designed for children to awaken their interest in the visual arts and their creativity. It is based on learning techniques, using various tools and materials, as well as drawing and painting.

Teacher: Lucie Frachebourg
Classes are offered to children from 7 to 12 years old
Dates and times: from 4:30 pm to 6 pm, on Wednesday afternoons according to the school calendar.


Price : fr 260.- per quarter

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This proposal is intended for small children to awaken their interest in the visual arts and their creativity. It is based on the use of various tools and materials, as well as on drawing, painting, manual activities and the relationship with nature. The aim is to create a calm and relaxed atmosphere that is conducive to welcoming participants and encouraging their immersion in the activity (half or full afternoon). Teacher : Amandine Berger The course is offered to children from 6 to 8 years old Fall activity: "Dream catcher" (participation in both classes is required) October 5 from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm: collection of natural elements outside: branches, leaves... October 12 from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm: in workshop, making a dream catcher Winter activity: Painting February 22 from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm: Mixing colors with water paint, creating textures with oil paint and imaginary compositions. With snacks. Price: fr 80.00 /activity ' program on request ' register

Children's workshop: weekly classes

This course is designed for children to awaken their interest in the visual arts and their creativity. It is based on learning techniques, using various tools and materials, as well as drawing and painting.

Les cours sont proposées aux enfants de 7 à 12 ans

Chargée de cours : Lucie Frachebourg

Dates et horaires: le jeudi de 17h15 à 18h45 

Prix : CHF 270.- par trimestre

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This course is designed for children to awaken their interest in the visual arts and their creativity. It is based on the use of various techniques, tools and materials, on drawing and painting.

Chargée de cours : Lucie Frachebourg.

Cours hebdomadaire pour les enfants de 7 à 12 ans,

Dates et horaires : le jeudi de 17h15 à 18h45 (nouvel horaire).

Prix : fr. 270.—par trimestre.

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Art history course

The study ofart history shows us the image that men have made of themselves and their spiritual and material perception of the world over time.
This course aims to give you a general culture on a period ranging from prehistory to the present. The lectures are based on a theoretical presentation and the analysis of projections.

Chargée de cours : Marie Acker

Dates et horaires: le mercredi soir, 2 x par mois.

Selon la disponibilité de la professeure, le cours peut commencer soit à 18h30, soit à 19h. Merci de vous renseigner à l’avance.

Durée de cours: 2 heures

PRIX :  CHF 270.-  par trimestre 

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The study of art history shows us the image that men have made of themselves and their spiritual and material perception of the world over time.
This course aims to give you a general culture on a period ranging from prehistory to the present. The lectures are based on a theoretical presentation and the analysis of projections.

Chargée de cours : Marie Acker:

Durée de cours: 2 heures

Dates et horaires: le mercredi soir, 2 x par mois. 

Selon la disponibilité de la professeure, le cours peut commencer soit à 18h30, soit à 19h. Nous vous prions de vous renseigner à l’avance. Merci.


PRIX : CHF 270.- par trimestre

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Academy drawing courses

L’étude du corps humain par le dessin constitue l’une des disciplines d’étude artistique traditionnelle. Ce cours propose de vous confronter au modèle vivant, d’en observer les proportions et les formes, mais également de développer une sensibilité personnelle. Il est destiné tout autant à des personnes débutantes qu’à un public plus averti.

Chargé de cours : Guy Cristina/ Chihiro Nakamura

Dates et horaires: les mardis de 9h à 11h00 

  • 24 septembre;
  • 1, 8, 15 et 22 octobre;
  • 5 novembre 

PRIX : CHF 270.— pour les 6 cours, en bloc.

› programme sur demande
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L’étude du corps humain par le dessin constitue l’une des disciplines d’étude artistique traditionnelle. Ce cours propose de vous confronter au modèle vivant, d’en observer les proportions et les formes, mais également de développer une sensibilité personnelle. Il est destiné tout autant à des personnes débutantes qu’à un public plus averti.

Chargé de cours : Guy Cristina et Chihiro Nakamura

Dates 2024:
les mardis de 9h à 11h00 

  • 24 septembre;
  • 1, 8, 15 et 22 octobre;
  • 5 novembre 

PRIX : CHF 270.— pour les 6 cours, en bloc.

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Technical drawing course

This course aims to introduce the language of technical drawing in the construction industry. It also includes the learning of a specific graphic language and of basic geometry.

: Stéphane Coutaz.

Dates and times: to be defined

PRICE : to be defined

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The aim of this course is to introduce students to the language of technical drawing used in construction. It also includes the learning of a specific graphic language and basic geometry.

: Stéphane Coutaz.

Dates and times: to be defined

Price: to be defined

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