' Introduction to stained glass

' Introduction to stained glass

The training

L’Ecole Suisse de Vitrail et Création offre la possibilité à un public très large d’acquérir les bases de la technique traditionnelle du vitrail. Ce cours ne requiert aucune formation préalable et s’adresse à toute personne qui souhaite se familiariser avec l’art du vitrail.
L’atelier de l’Ecole bénéficie d’une capacité d’accueil unique et les cours sont encadrés par une équipe professionnelle et expérimentée.

Course curriculum:

Each participant makes two pieces. The first "white" stained glass panel allows for a review of all the steps involved in making it. The second panel is a personal project in colored glass.

> Program 2021-2022 to download


Theoretical introduction and safety.
Drawing of the first stained glass window, cutting of the glass, lead setting, soldering and finishing.
Personal project, drawing, cutting, lead setting, soldering and finishing.

After this initiation, the School offers, to those who wish, to extend their training in order to realize other works or acquire other techniques.

Practical information

Speakers: Guy Cristina, Chihiro Nakamura, Odile Faes.

Personal equipment: small craft items, good shoes, apron.

Our school offers two training formulas, either weekly courses according to the calendar, or courses in the form of one-week internships, in the summer Schedule: from 9am to 12pm and from 1pm to 4pm.

Prices : fr. 90.00 per half day ; - fr. 960.00 per week, including supplies and tools for the stained glass on loan.

Registration : fr. 250.-, to be deducted from the total amount of the course, members of the Association of the Swiss School of Stained Glass and Creation receive a 10% discount.

The School offers accommodation (single room + shared kitchen and bathroom) at a cost of 150 Swiss francs per week.

Students' works

Application for registration

You can reach us by phone or by email, or fill in the form on the contact page: we will be delighted to have you with us!